Friday 2 September 2011

:: HUDSONIANs' Open House ::

 Happy Eid Mubarak everyone from Gadis-gadis Hudson Brown!!

it was a very fantastic experience to be a host for our Hari Raya open house. i just wish ALLAH will bless this beautiful days of Syawal. without family members with us, we are trying our best to make this Hari Raya become the most memorable in our life. and yes, it is the most memorable one!

Gadis-gadis from Railway. Nirro, Fayizah and Vilo. enjoy the food girls?? we had lotsa food. can believe that we really have cooked those nasi lemak, bubur kacang hitam, nasi himpit n kuah kacang, cakes, laksa... etc. cant name all!
Railway Boys. look at Hafiz' s and Zaza's Hari Raya new hair style. Mohawk  Guys. but Muaz  was too loyal with his long natural straight n brownish hair.
MARA girls. on diet?
Shu with her sweetheart. untunglaaaa~ :p
AFIQ. came back for his graduation. happy becoming an engineer Mister! 

Look at those red cheeks of mine. there were stories behind it. first, i do have red cheeks since i came here (coz of the weather but never have been that red!) second, i'v actually blended the dried chilies  for cooking and poured the mixture into a bowl when few drops of it splashed on my face. then i wiped it off with my hand which also had few drops of chillies mixture. thanks Naz for being so clever and put a natural blusher on ur  own face! it was hot and hurting! GOOD JOB! TT____TT 
a lil bit of personal contribution. i made KEK BATIK for the guest. hope they like it.

LALA! my gym partner. LALA said we shud take photos together coz she'll be missing me soon. ;'(
i'll be missing u too LALA

us, the HUDSONIANS with Sheryll. we gonna miss u Sheryll. the awesomest lecturer/tutor/mum i ever had found in this universe. take  care Sheryll. thanks for being with us. :')

Sheryll's . thanks you!

event ended at 11pm and i had like a crazy woman with red red cheeks. warghhhhhh!

Happy Eid Mubarak everyone n have a good night sleep!


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