Monday 16 January 2012

:: Stalker ::

i just wonder if i have a regular stalker here, of maybe a FAN? i can sense a presence of  the same person on my blog everyday.

well, this is only my personal blog. nothing to be publicized about. i am aware that i have put the availability opens to everyone, and any people can just stop and stare in here,drop a comment  if they like to, i dont care. but, if u stop by everyday just to stalk on me, u waste ur time. really.

i dont care people reading, but please dont make a random judgement if u never know the real me in person. if u never talk to me face to face or atliz live with me for a certain period of time, u better think this is a blog of stranger that u'l never know. or  dont ever think, thru ur reading in here, u'll know me better or exactly who i am. these are too little to make u know me.

i just write whatever i feel like writing and it is my personal view and reflection of my life. u know, its a therapy to balance my emotion and its not to entertain anyone.

if i wrote sumthing educational and informative, im glad u read it for pleasure as well as to expand ur knowledge. im glad if im able to help and if it does benefit u. so keep on reading and do drop ur comments so i cant improve or share more. 

im welcoming everyone to drop in here, it just, i am a bit un-pleased to have a feeling that someone particular is watching over me n.if its YOU, please, go away.

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