Tuesday 23 August 2011

||Girls' Day Out!! ||

Larry Crowne.


what a boring movie! we went to watch this movie last Saturday, me and Christine. the reason why we watched this movie was:  Christine won two tixs for free. so we just need to spend a lil bit of time to make use of the free tixs. i dont remember how she has won that tixs but it was when she entered one competition which needed her to send a text message to one special number from i-dont-know-what company.

well, overall comment : i wont recommend this movie to any of my friends coz i think its only suitable for old people. and it is.. lame!

but, in spite of the boring-ness, i guess Christine enjoyed the choco top ice cream that she got for free - it came together with the free tix. full package. n i ate mine after berbuka. well, sempat mintak org kaunter simpankan and before balik gi amek n then jalan balik rumah sambil bawak ice cream tu. haha

anyway, spending time outside with a girlfriend is one of the awesome-st things to do. it might be less awesome when it is Ramadhan coz we cant spare time for eating but we stil can gossip.

so yeah!here we are! camwhoring in da washroom before we went into theater room 5. :D

it's not that clear coz i captured this photo using my ipod.

i told Christine she look like a tomboy. haha O.O

Proud to be an Asian. well Malaysian n Korean can get well together. :))

im waiting for Friday now. we will get some ice cream from Giapo. and for this reason, we are now saving a dollar and 10 cent each day so that on Friday we'll be able to get a cone of cheese cake + choco hazelnut ice cream. weehaaawww!!! 


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