Monday 15 August 2011

:: SNOW in AUCKLAND !! ::

yey! yey! yey!
Thank you ALLAH!!

ALLAH really listened to my prayer.
ALLAH turunkn snow kt Auckland hri ni. sesuatu yg xdijangka. kali terakhir snow turun di bumi auckland adalah pada 1939. da berpuluh2 tahun yang lalu. n sekarang, snow datang lagi ke sini. ni la namanya salji rahmat yg datang masa Ramadhan. alhamdulillah.

xtw nak cakap cmne perasaan ni. ALLAH sangat baik. da bape lame da berangan nak men snow. nk rse snow fall. bile denger Welly ada snow, mmg sayu sangat. tadi tengah duk sedih2 sorang2 dalam bilik,tiba2 hati kecil berkata..jenguk la keluar tingkap. mgkin snow akan mendengar kite memanggilnye. tpi buat bodo je. tengah sedih kan. tibe2 dengar bunyi hujan. dalam hati .. 'takpe la, tengok hujan pon takpe'

tibe2 nampak putih2. snow kah? snow kah?? berlari2 turun ke bawah , kat balkoni. and yessss... it is snow!! teruja sangat. tapi snow turun 10 minit je. da cair lepas tu. xtaw esok lusa or bile2 yg len, ada xlagi snow. harap2 ada.

curik blanket merah ton sebab nk 'tangkap' snow. hihi

time ni da kurang lebat, so snow da kurang. sobb~~

mula2 ingatkn hail je. confuse punya confuse, lama2 baru confident ni snow. bukan snow flakes tpi sleet. comel kan bulat2.

time ni snow da mkin kurang so hanya beberapa bintik snow je tertangkap ditangan. huhu

sayang nak buang snow ni. huk2

yg jatuh atas2 krusi xcair cpt sgt.

 comel je. hmmmm

ok dahh. snow da benti falling da mse ni

and matahari pun kuar. cepat sgt. mmg ALLAH pinjamkan anugerah ni sekejap tu buat kami menikmati dan menghargainye.

kata org, mungkin ALLAH makbulkan doa2 org yg berpuasa di bumi Auckland ni. mungkin. terima kasih ALLAH.



  1. Thanks for visiting my blog! You posted on a really old post from April 2009 so things have changed since then and I definitely took it slow and continue to do so. I'm never sure of "where I am" in this journey with Islam, but I have converted since and am taking it slowly in my faith!

    Hope all is well with you! Wish I could understand more of your blog :P

  2. Hi Candice,
    im glad to hear that you have are already converted. alhamdulillah. :)
    yes, it was ur old post but i just read it and hope it would anyone who happens to read that entry just like me. :) it's ok, i believe you will find your way. ALLAH will give the best to us when the time arrives. haha. im Sorry, i used to write my blog in English except few posts, there were in my mother tongue language. i enjoy reading yours to and always wish you well. take care! :)
