Wednesday 24 September 2014

Angle Turns Ghost

Subject : Window Shopping
Title : Angle Turns Ghost
Reflection : I thought I have consoled one miserable heart but actually, I have also broken one.

Case 1 : At the head scarf shop

Sales lady : cantik la akak tengok adik pakai selendang ni. beli la dik.
me : ok kak. yg ni ye ( after trying quite a few i decided to buy. yelah, akak tu je called me 'adik'.lama tak dengar da. :p)
sales lady : sorang je ke? mane kawan?
me : hihi sorang je la kak. Baru habis keje je pon ni.
Sales lady : Hmm. xpernah lagi customer datang tukar baju yg da koyak rabak cmni ( tunjuk baju yg koyak cam kena gunting2 kt lengan.) Nanti mesti akak kena marah dgn bos. Susah la dik, akak da banyak kali kena dgn customer. ada tu sampai hina n ugut akak nk report polis la ape. padahal masa beli tu dia sendiri kata ok. sakit hati akak kadang2 tu. kerja cmni mmg selalu kena sabar. Bla3..
Me: ye ke. kesian akak. akak sabar la ye, cari rezeki memang banyak dugaan kan. Takpe la Allah tau memang bukan salah akak, harap2 nye nanti bos akak tak marah kat akak.
Sales lady : kalau dia nak marah pon, marah la, nk potong gaji akak ke.akak da cuba ikut arahan dia tapi customer pon nak marah2 akak.camne la akak sorang2 je nak menjawab. bla3... ( panjang la jugak)

she looked damn worried and sad so i decided to spend a few more minutes listening to her stories. She talked and talked and talked while I just listened. I knew I can't help much, but i knew listening to her can make her feel a bit better. I dont know her, she doesn't know me, but there must be reason why I was there and why she thought she can talk to me. Perhaps Allah wanted me to help her to reduce her worry? sometimes we dont need anything else, we just want people to treat us nicely with respect, kan? Tak kisah la walau keje kedai jual tudung je sekalipon. hm. Finally the kakak said good bye to me with a  smile on her face.

Case 2 : Walking out the store

So, after the counseling session, I decided to grab a lunch from the KFC at the G floor before heading home. Paid rm14 for a snack plate, I walked out the main entrance to get to my car. I noticed the guys from Perodua Show Car booth were staring at me since after I walked out from the KFC. I ignored them. When I was about to get into my car, a man approached me ( he was actually chasing behind me).
Me : Nak ape?
Him : errr. ni kad kawan saya ni. dia er cam nak ngorat la. nak berkenalan. Dia serious! ( mamat ni buat gaya hensem pulak siap tolak rambut ke blakang. )

I looked around and saw no one else .

Him : ni kad dia. amek la. nanti call la dia ek. Dari tadi dia tengok2 awak.

I looked at the card quickly and saw "perodua" and suddenly teringat dulu pon mase first time pick up si kuning dri perodua, the sales guy sempat kejar bagi name kad dia.agaknya mamat perodua ni ramai layan cite korea kot. apsal cam sama je cite ni? creepyyyyy!

Him: Cik, boleh tak nak kenal?
Me : er. eh.  SAYA ISTERI ORANG! ( i blurted out and shock at my own answer)

This man turned blue. speechless. freeze. And suddenly in just a second, he was out of my sight! lari punye laju cam nampak hantu. LOL. hahaha! and it was also a phewww!

** baru fefeling nak berwatakkan angle hari ni  rupanya terjadi hantu pulak di penghujung cerita. Sorry man, I just can't help it.


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