Wednesday 16 November 2011

10 Days

i just have 10 days left. u know how it feels like when u have to go n leave sumthing that u really want to own forever?

i have so much to say about New Zealand and  my life here but i dont know why, i just dont feel like i can spill everything in here.

frankly speaking, i am sad. so sad. i'm so much in love with new zealand. it makes me be a different person. im totally changed. i'm no longer an old me.  im a new someone.

without realizing it, i have found myself, my real self, which i might not be able to find anywhere else, if i hv never stepped out of my country. i know what to be, i know what i want now. but i dont know when i can make it becomes a reality.

time flies, my two years becomes 10 days now n im going back to my home country soon. im gonna miss new zealand. even if i ever come back here again, everything is not gonna be same. yes, life only happens once so do some opportunities.

God, give me strength to live this 10days to the fullest. :'(

Monday 24 October 2011

every effort counts :)

despite of the hard times and hardship that i'm facing right now, with all the prayers i have prayed to ALLAH, He gives me a smile today.

..because ALLAH knows what is the best way to help me lift up my strength again. to have some determination and to leave this country with pride. and now i know, i have a lil bit of sweet memory in University of Auckland to be remembered. thank you ALLAH. 

feel like i'm the chosen one. 


Received this in my mail this morning. Mum and Dad, I made it! :)

Tuesday 18 October 2011

:: 2 PM porridge ::

Weekend ended pretty fast with awesome days to remember.  We ( the whole cohort) went to Kokako Lodge in Papakura for a camp. The rules were kinda loose as we were allowed to organise the camp on our own. it was like : u have money and so u can pay, and so u can own the place for a while, make some activities guided by some instructors, add on ur own activities and, thats it! u may leave when u done! all in all, we had : five activities provided by Kokako Lodge : High rope, chariot, Kiwi Fly, archery, and kayak and few activities by our own : honesty, guessing game, stand on the chair, passing egg,etc. we didnt manage to do kayaking coz the weather didnt allow us to. what a sad little story.

I'm back to reality. got a heap of works to do. ASSIGNMENT  is a big word now. three to complete at the moment and one test + one exam are waiting. I'm not in a good health condition really. these few days, i feel  a bit feverish. yesterday n today, i slept too much. slept in the evening and woke up after 12am. and today i was hungry when i woke up at 130am ++. i felt dizzy at the same time. i went down to get rice n fish that i kept in the fridge earlier, but the rice wasnt there. i was so frustrated. well, here goes a saying, '  a hungry man is an angry man',  so does a girl. so i was angry and  to lessen the annoyance, i put up a status on my fb about that. 

and there came a friend offering food to me. a plain porridge, he said. i dont mind really. the truth is i have no  rice left at all so that made me feeling more annoyed. the friend then sent the porridge to my house. it was more than enough, be it in quantity as well as the taste. but what counts more is the concern that a friend showed. 

somehow, we just need a little tiny thing to happen just to show us who the real friends are. maybe my example ain't that convincing but at least i know that i have a friend that wont let me starving all nite long before i can get other food on the next day. i should say Alhamdulillah. i accepted the losing rice as a fate for me tonight, like it didnt mean to be mine. but no one knows what ALLAH plans for us. i'm full now, feel more fresh n ready to continue doing my work. thank you ALLAH!

Sunday 2 October 2011

:: Finally ::

i think she has made a wise decision. that is the best for her. i wont blame her nor say she is selfish. she isn't. i understand her. even me myself hoping to escape from the reality that has been burdening me for all this while, so why shud she bear it? i guess God only wants to help her.

don't feel guilty sis. u are no wrong. ALLAH surely will protect u and grand u with happiness soon.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

practicum, gym & mentoring - all in one

Practicum finished 4 days ago. i guess i only write about practicum when it has number 4 in it. :p
my previous post was about practicum and it was written 4 days after it began n now i talked bout it again, 4 days after it ended.

i'm so relieved that the practicum has ended and i finished it with a good feeling. i miss the school and kids now. we took picture together, me, Chander and the kids. but i couldnt put it in here coz their faces are no allowed to be put on the net.

i'm so much relieved coz finally, i have started going to gym again since 2 days ago. hmm. but, i dont manage to go today coz i just came back from mentoring. i got new mentee today. He is Jason. I would say he is a white, but he is not exactly a kiwi New Zealand. he is a mix of lotsa ethnic. from England to Philippines. He is a nice boy, funny and enjoy laughing a lot. he is good.

will put some pic of him later. till then. :))

Friday 2 September 2011

:: HUDSONIANs' Open House ::

 Happy Eid Mubarak everyone from Gadis-gadis Hudson Brown!!

it was a very fantastic experience to be a host for our Hari Raya open house. i just wish ALLAH will bless this beautiful days of Syawal. without family members with us, we are trying our best to make this Hari Raya become the most memorable in our life. and yes, it is the most memorable one!

Gadis-gadis from Railway. Nirro, Fayizah and Vilo. enjoy the food girls?? we had lotsa food. can believe that we really have cooked those nasi lemak, bubur kacang hitam, nasi himpit n kuah kacang, cakes, laksa... etc. cant name all!
Railway Boys. look at Hafiz' s and Zaza's Hari Raya new hair style. Mohawk  Guys. but Muaz  was too loyal with his long natural straight n brownish hair.
MARA girls. on diet?
Shu with her sweetheart. untunglaaaa~ :p
AFIQ. came back for his graduation. happy becoming an engineer Mister! 

Look at those red cheeks of mine. there were stories behind it. first, i do have red cheeks since i came here (coz of the weather but never have been that red!) second, i'v actually blended the dried chilies  for cooking and poured the mixture into a bowl when few drops of it splashed on my face. then i wiped it off with my hand which also had few drops of chillies mixture. thanks Naz for being so clever and put a natural blusher on ur  own face! it was hot and hurting! GOOD JOB! TT____TT 
a lil bit of personal contribution. i made KEK BATIK for the guest. hope they like it.

LALA! my gym partner. LALA said we shud take photos together coz she'll be missing me soon. ;'(
i'll be missing u too LALA

us, the HUDSONIANS with Sheryll. we gonna miss u Sheryll. the awesomest lecturer/tutor/mum i ever had found in this universe. take  care Sheryll. thanks for being with us. :')

Sheryll's . thanks you!

event ended at 11pm and i had like a crazy woman with red red cheeks. warghhhhhh!

Happy Eid Mubarak everyone n have a good night sleep!


Wednesday 31 August 2011

:: Beautiful Heart ::

i have started my practicum  since 4 days ago. all went well and i think i like my class where i  have been assigned to work in. The classroom teacher whose name is Chander, is a really nice person. she is Fijian, and she is really hardworking and committed. i think everyone in the school are really good to us , they welcome us really well hence we never feel like an outsider. i feel good to be at school tho i dont really have much time talking to most teachers. i didn't really teach this week, i just did some observation n helped Chander with few things that i think i am able to do. 

New Zealand school is always like the way it should be but this one is way cooler than other school. the teachers are cool, the students do not need to wear uniform, they have 3-times recess hour, and this school is really a good example of multicultural school.

from day to day, im getting used with the school, the class, the students, the system, the time management and the feeling of being a teacher. all staff in there are kind and nice. sometimes, i just wonder. how these people can be so kind, understanding n helpful? why can't people in Malaysia be like them?

this morning when i was waiting for the bus, i saw lotsa high school students waiting for the bus too. the were all Maori n pacific islander. the guys stood near to the point where the bus will stop, n me n Hasrul were at the back, almost buried in the crowd. as usual, we need to queue up before we can get into the bus. to my surprise, when the bus stopped, none of these Maori boys went into the bus. they instead backed off and let me go first. i wondered why they did that but without thinking too much, i just went up into the bus, tagged on my Hop Card and took a seat. after all the public people ( elderly, worker, etc) have had their seats, then the students came in- one by one, with their very own style. some were singing, some were teasing each other. finished taking all the passenger ,the bus then went the next stop, the bus stopped and took few more passengers. there were no empty seat at that time but few Maori students  stood up from their seats and gave away the seats to the new passengers. then after that, every time the bus stopped to pick up more passengers, the other maori guys will give up their seats to the new comers and they wouldn't mind to stand up in the bus along the way to their school. i was so touched to see this. i just knew that students in new zealand really have a good attitude. The boys being a man, did a little thing yet means a lot. i bet all the older people here used to practice the same attitude when they were young so that is why the youngsters can follow it without any complaints. i remember when i went to Maori village last semester, Gazza told us that Maori people really protect their women. so this morning, i felt myself was one of their women and i felt special, so did the other people who were given a seat in the bus.

this evening , another one thing happened to me. the school finished at 3pm but as usual i'll talk to Chander about the school system and teaching stuff. today i stayed with her a bit longer coz she showed me how she used the curriculum booklet to plan her teaching. it was 1515pm when i went down from the classroom to go to staff room coz i wanted to use the nearby toilet before going back home. after that i went straightaway to the main door at office lobby to find my mates who actually have been waiting for me outside the school area. i walked pass by the information counter and i saw Mike. he greeted me and told that he saw my friends are waiting for me.  i thanked him for that and suddenly he  quickly went into the store and took out an umbrella. he said i can borrow his umbrella coz it was raining heavily outside. i told him i'll be fine and i wont need the umbrella coz we gonna take a bus and i wont get wet. but at the end, we really walked back home and luckily, we had enough umbrellas. Mike also a very nice person . really. he is rich with smile , has a sweet face , friendly , funny and really helpful. i think people here are really nice. i wish i am also one of these nice persons. 

i dont why.. but im feeling so sad to accept the truth that im gonna leave this country soon. :'(

Sunday 28 August 2011


new word for today.

i learned from Freemans Bay School's website.

GRAUPEL : Snow or a snowflake with some crystallized ice (forming soft ice pellets, not as hard as hail)

good nite peeps!

:: Practicum ::

tomorrow will be the first day of practicum in New Zealand. I'll be teaching Year 5 or year 6 class at Freemans Bay Primary School. the whole practicum session is 2 weeks but i dont know why, i feel like it is such a long journey to go. I really hope it will be exciting and thus, no dreadful 2 weeks will be recorded in my lifetime story.

if i ask myself what im feeling right now, i would say i have uncertain feeling. first, i dont feel anything coz now im suffering of monthly girl's sickness which has killed all the other feelings that i might have including my appetite to eat. i am moody and emo for  no reason, n laziness cant be denied. therefore, im not even bother to prepare clothes or any stuff to bring tomorrow. what a bad teacher i am.

i dont know if i am excited. i am nervous coz i'l be teaching the native speakers of english. i keep thinking, what should i say,how should i act in front of the kids, can they understand me n my instructions, will everything be ok? it's good to know that we'll be teaching only in the second week  of practicum but who knows, somebody might ask us to start earlier. now i just realised that i forgot the teacher's name who i will be working with. -_____-'

sigh! im so feeling-less now. im worried if im not feeling totally ok n well to go to the school. i hope the pain will go away and i'll be fine. i hope seeing kids will help me to feel better tomorrow and i hope everyone in the school can accept us really well. the school is 20 mins away from my house but the process of walking to Britomart will take app.15 minutes and to wait for the bus might take 10mins. then to reach the school it will take 10mins. i definitely need to wake up early and start to walk out of my house at 715am. 

luckily we have gone to the school 2 days ago to see how long it takes to reach there n what is the correct bus to use. the school is pretty near actually, it just the process of reaching the school is time consuming. we WALKED back home after had a look at the school area and WALKING is cool as! on the way back home, we randomly did some window shopping at Queen Street. Tym treated us with fried chicken n fries for break fasting. here we go. some snaps for the day :)

  syafiq said this hat looks suitable for tym so i simply put it on coz i wonder why he got such idea? Tym didnt even bother to try it on

ohhh! now i know. he wanted to try that one but he needed  somebody to try it first, so he can join 'em later eh! noty eiy? haha.

kidding! no offence buddy! :D

Tuesday 23 August 2011

||Girls' Day Out!! ||

Larry Crowne.


what a boring movie! we went to watch this movie last Saturday, me and Christine. the reason why we watched this movie was:  Christine won two tixs for free. so we just need to spend a lil bit of time to make use of the free tixs. i dont remember how she has won that tixs but it was when she entered one competition which needed her to send a text message to one special number from i-dont-know-what company.

well, overall comment : i wont recommend this movie to any of my friends coz i think its only suitable for old people. and it is.. lame!

but, in spite of the boring-ness, i guess Christine enjoyed the choco top ice cream that she got for free - it came together with the free tix. full package. n i ate mine after berbuka. well, sempat mintak org kaunter simpankan and before balik gi amek n then jalan balik rumah sambil bawak ice cream tu. haha

anyway, spending time outside with a girlfriend is one of the awesome-st things to do. it might be less awesome when it is Ramadhan coz we cant spare time for eating but we stil can gossip.

so yeah!here we are! camwhoring in da washroom before we went into theater room 5. :D

it's not that clear coz i captured this photo using my ipod.

i told Christine she look like a tomboy. haha O.O

Proud to be an Asian. well Malaysian n Korean can get well together. :))

im waiting for Friday now. we will get some ice cream from Giapo. and for this reason, we are now saving a dollar and 10 cent each day so that on Friday we'll be able to get a cone of cheese cake + choco hazelnut ice cream. weehaaawww!!! 


:: MATES - Home Stay Home ::

I think i never had updated anything bout my mentoring program since i posted the last one few weeks ago. It doesnt mean that i got nothing special to talk about, it just a matter of time. sometimes i dont really have time to update my blog everyday. sometimes i am soooo lazy to click the blogger  button on the bookmark bar. well, for me every mentoring session we had in Papakura is awesome. and i am personally think, last week session was the most productive session.

week 3
it wasn't exactly week 3. we kept skipping the week due to school holiday and other things. so this one has become the third week i met Paris, my mentee. i prepared a handout for her. my handout's title is 'My Goals'. i asked her to fill in the handout, there were  4columns in total : my goals for today, this year, in the future and the last on , the goals that i'v already achieved. and for each time for the goals, i asked her to write 'why is it important' and ' how to achieve it'. we did the task together. she answered all the questions and that helped me to know her better. i'll update her answer letter since she forgot to bring the handout  lastweek. i remember her answers, but it is too much to write, so i'll pun it in a new entry. the purpose of this task WAS, to help her to be clear with her aims in life. i told her, this task is important to help she realizes that if one has a dream, it is always possible to achieve the dream as long as they know how to achieve  it n willing to put some efforts in achieving. I asked her to look back at her already achieved dreams. she has already got few dreams came true. therefore, she definitely able to achieve more. :))

week 4

This is the most tiring week ever. EVER! i was fasting and  we were actually played a game called  'home stay home'. in this game,the opponent group will need to chase out and caught another group's members. the people who are not the catcher will have to run and run and run to safe their lives. if they are being tagged by the catchers, they will die. so whoever manages to get home and says ' home stay home' without being tagged, they are safe. we devided urself into two groups, and it was a fight between mentee and mentor group. The kiddos was so excited to beat us. we got to be the first group who be the victim, and the kiddos were the catchers. they ran so fast, and they caught us all. we ran not too fast, but we managed to catch 'em all too. the second round of the game, i managed to get home and that made we won the game in total. ( after for times of running and hiding. i was almost died)  ^^''

Ann called us  when it was already 415pm and asked to stop play. i guess she wanted us to do something more beneficial for the students. haha. it seemed like they didnt wanna stop but we had to. the activities afterward were boring.we played scrabble and word games only. among all things happened on that that, i remember most about Xavier, a boy who is a mentee to Dzaf. he sounded so funny when we have already been in group and ready to run for the HSH game. he said to the girls in mentee's group,' well, dont worry. it is easy!  leave it to me ladies! i will finish them all' and we all laughed after that. he ensured the girls in the group that they gonna win the game but at the end , they didnt and Xavier was so frustrated. hehe. i like his confidence anyway. :p and i know, this week he will be waiting to play Home Stay Home again. and I.. im not gonna run anymore. :))

Paris and Me :)

Wednesday 17 August 2011

:: Waiheke Island ::

been there and done that!

Waiheke Island. Waiheke! Waiheke, im calling ur name!

it was raining, i remember.
it was windy.
it was a lil bit unkind to us. but we were happy, weren't us?
thank you friends for these beautiful moments of life.  i cant stop smiling.i cant stop recalling and reminiscing everything. i feel serenity and tranquility in every breath that i take. i dont want these moments to fade away.

thanks friends for wiping away the tears n gimme smiles when i was too fragile and weak. i wouldn't be able to forget this moments till my last breath. it always , always the best that i ever had in my lifetime. 

10am , depart : off to Waiheke with this awesome ferry. i just love the weather. 

 it is nice view ey? how i wish to stay....

 stopping by the road. there is a village down there, nearby the beach. cool as!

 " off you go, guys! ".   travel by our own around the beach. what with frog jumping pose? pity mr.cameraman, u aint in the picha. boooooo~

 peeking from the bus stop. where's the bus? where's the bus? they said im the spoiler for this picha. guess so too! haha

 dear Mr.Cameraman, thanks for being a good cameraman. nahhh, have this for ur dinner ok? ;p
location : Rock Bay Beach

 the odd one, yes i am. unconditional friendship. i never feel awkward, but belonged to. u get what i mean?

 Liang's and Evelyn's recipe. i just loveeeee BBQ! 

 ...can we have some corns too??... i was begging and yeah, here there are!!
p/s : sorry for the messy looking. its a bad hair day coz it was windy. so so windy! but this was the best bad hair day i everrrr had! :D

 " Nazz, u shouldnt smile! arggghhh. spoiler!! " ( Alex, 2011) 
me : huuuu~~ again?? sobbbb~~ but... Saifful did too....

  owh, finally!! Mr. Cameraman in the picha! thats y he smiled soooo broad. congratulation Saifful for being able to escape from ur job and take picha with this awesome girl. :p

With the two gentlemen. its getting colder now. 

 8pm - getting home before its too late and too cold. freaking tired n sleepy.

 it was a good sleep tho. :)

one down. two down. three down. another one still holding a camera. who's dat Pokemon??


Monday 15 August 2011

:: SNOW in AUCKLAND !! ::

yey! yey! yey!
Thank you ALLAH!!

ALLAH really listened to my prayer.
ALLAH turunkn snow kt Auckland hri ni. sesuatu yg xdijangka. kali terakhir snow turun di bumi auckland adalah pada 1939. da berpuluh2 tahun yang lalu. n sekarang, snow datang lagi ke sini. ni la namanya salji rahmat yg datang masa Ramadhan. alhamdulillah.

xtw nak cakap cmne perasaan ni. ALLAH sangat baik. da bape lame da berangan nak men snow. nk rse snow fall. bile denger Welly ada snow, mmg sayu sangat. tadi tengah duk sedih2 sorang2 dalam bilik,tiba2 hati kecil berkata..jenguk la keluar tingkap. mgkin snow akan mendengar kite memanggilnye. tpi buat bodo je. tengah sedih kan. tibe2 dengar bunyi hujan. dalam hati .. 'takpe la, tengok hujan pon takpe'

tibe2 nampak putih2. snow kah? snow kah?? berlari2 turun ke bawah , kat balkoni. and yessss... it is snow!! teruja sangat. tapi snow turun 10 minit je. da cair lepas tu. xtaw esok lusa or bile2 yg len, ada xlagi snow. harap2 ada.

curik blanket merah ton sebab nk 'tangkap' snow. hihi

time ni da kurang lebat, so snow da kurang. sobb~~

mula2 ingatkn hail je. confuse punya confuse, lama2 baru confident ni snow. bukan snow flakes tpi sleet. comel kan bulat2.

time ni snow da mkin kurang so hanya beberapa bintik snow je tertangkap ditangan. huhu

sayang nak buang snow ni. huk2

yg jatuh atas2 krusi xcair cpt sgt.

 comel je. hmmmm

ok dahh. snow da benti falling da mse ni

and matahari pun kuar. cepat sgt. mmg ALLAH pinjamkan anugerah ni sekejap tu buat kami menikmati dan menghargainye.

kata org, mungkin ALLAH makbulkan doa2 org yg berpuasa di bumi Auckland ni. mungkin. terima kasih ALLAH.


Sunday 14 August 2011

::harapan palsu :( ::

Snow falls in Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, FuseworksAugust 15, 2011, 12:38 pm

And in Auckland numerous reports are coming of snow falling in some parts of the city within some showers.
New Zealand's largest cities are all receiving snow in some form today as an historic Antarctic storm sweeps up the nation.
Wellington has had especially heavy snow in the past hour, settling in the CBD.
Pukekohe has seen the white stuff while heavier snow has been reported on the Waitakere Ranges.
Many people on Twitter and our Facebook page have commented on snow flakes mixed with rain during a shower that passed over the city around 11:30am.
"Hi just to let you know we had quite a heavy bit of snow in Pukekohe 12.30 today for about 10 mins. Flakes were quite big about the size of 20 cent coins at one point" reader James Frost told us.
Meanwhile another reader in the central city said he saw snow flakes too. "Seen by several people on the top floors of the Grafton Campus, University of Auckland. I have lived over 10 years in places where it snows and there were definitely snow flakes for about 30 seconds, none settling". head weather analyst Philip Duncan says the snow flakes were quite likely with the city surrounded in snow clouds. "While most of the snow will remain above 200 metres we do expect some snow flakes to sea level in Auckland today and tonight".
"Aucklanders won't have white out conditions like Wellington, Christchurch or Dunedin but certainly a few isolated pockets are snow are likely mixed in with the rain".
Mr Duncan says the risk for more snow showers across Auckland will actually increase this afternoon and tonight.
The last time snow was reported in Auckland was during the 1970s and before that the 1930s.
Further south and snow is falling in Greymouth and on the other side of the alps in Canterbury as the southerly blast roars on.

:: Waiting ::

I've been waiting for snow. like ages. I'v been carrying this feeling since i came back from South Island. n now, knowing that some parts of North Island are getting snow but not in my place, i feel sad.

i wanna see snow. wouldn't it come here.. before i leave this place forever?

will God listen to my prayer?

:: SNow in Welly ::

Wellington da turun snow. Auckland bile lagi??

kedudukan Auckland dalam peta sangat jauh ketengah North Island. So, x mungkin la akan ade snow kt Auckland. Kalau Welly lain la, welly tu kat hujung north yg da dekat2 dengan South Island yg, memang bersnow. so tahun ni, tuhan bagi anugerah salji kat Wellington. mesti seronok kan? khabarnye Snow fall akan berlaku di hujung2 Auckland, tpi kt area2 peak Waitekere, kt Coromandel Peninsula. Coromandel pun dah 5 jam dari Auckland Central. hmmm. 

Sekarang da macam ade hobi baru pulak. asek2 tengok weather forecast. tengok south island.. tengok welly.. sume pun bersnow. rindu nye pada south island.. rindu sangat.. setiap kali teringat, ade perasaan yg sebak. macam ternanti2 sesuatu yg jauh. yg xpasti. yg dirindui. sobb~ (emo)

Ya ALLAH.. lagi 3 bulan lebih je nak blik Malaysia. tapi sayang nye nak tinggalkn New Zealand. nak tengok snow. nak bangun pagi, tengok luar tingkap and nampak snow turun... 

ada ke peluang tu...suatu masa nanti..? 


Saturday 13 August 2011

:: Online Learning yg macam " WHAT????" ::

i seldom have this feeling. a feeling of relaxing while i'm actually have a heap of works to finish. this week we were needed to deal with our first assignment of online learning course namely Educ384. i hated it before for the fact that we were needed to write a 600 words essay regarding the use of ICT in education and later, we were asked to critique on 3 essays from other members in the group. it wasn't stopped there i mind you, we actually had to respond. yup, respond back to the critiques that people left for u! every people should get minimum 3 critiques but it happened that i got 5 in total. i was like.. 'WHATTT????'. *sigh, sigh, sigh * and the requirement was, we were needed to respond to every single comment that people have made for our essays. huwaaa. but u know what, been working since last two nights, i didnt really felt burdened with this work. i totally cant believe it that i have replied everyone's comment with full of my heart and worked in soooo relax mode. i finally completed my work at 11pm 13th august, an hour before the submission is closed. oh, i feel everyone in the group loves me, that's y they left me with lotsa comments to be replied. so i left 'em an appreciation letter. hehe.

oh what does it tell me? i got the most comments to reply. ughhh. its ok. they love me. :p

and i could not believe i have been reading a lot along these 3 days and writing a lot too. so the products were :

Mai actually was the first respondent for my essay. she wrote quite long which meant she spent lots of time reading n talking bout my essay. thanks to her. so i showed an appreciation to her. i wrote to her back in purple. only her. haha. sweet kan? :p

then i got critiqued by 4 more members. Shud, Hafiz, Saifful and Farisha. i replied each comment based on what they said not by copying and pasting from previous comment. oh God, i just realised that i really devoted to this task. well, im satisfied.

still cant believe that i have written that long. the pictures were minus the writing that i'v made for 3 other people in the group. i remembered i hv written a very long critique on Farisha's essay. i dont know why, but since i'v been working so hard making time enough for me to do our bisnes in bazar.kecil.kita and fighting to complete assignments at the same time, i hv become so wise with more organised and prepared. 

a good improvement!! :)

Sunday 7 August 2011

:: Berbuka yg. SIhat ::

Hari ni dapat berbuka dengan menu2 sihat. 'sihat' secara literal ye, sebab dah berapa hari makan ikut dan je. busy la katekan. hari ni semangat berbuka lebey cket. sambil2 tengok youtube (sebab si Ton xhabes2 stalk korean artis yg. buat plastik surgery. kekeke) , tertengok la jugak resepi2 online ni. konon2 teringin nak makan kuih badak berendam, tpi sudahnye dia hilang berlari turun bawah masak ayam goreng  berlada. hape la punye perangai?perangai xpernah nak elok! hik3.

panggil mira datang rumah berbuka. so masak lauk lebey. Special Snapper masak halia. slurrppp. ema bagi contribution jugak. popia sayur. sambil2 tunggu ikan defrost tadi sempat jugak buat cheese kek. tunggu sjuk baru sedap nak ngap! hari ni xde bisnes sebab xnak penat. nak buat assignment. esok jadi busy bussinesswoman lagi. 

jom layan food! 

 lupe nak mention, air sirap mane boleh lupe. tak Malaysian la beb! hehe. selamat berbuka!! :))