Saturday 12 March 2011

:: Boring Saturday Evening ::

newspapers, TV and even Facebook or YouTube are currently busy reporting news about massive earthquake n tsunami in Japan. few countries were reminded and alarmed due to this sad news. My place here, also expected to be receiving a wave of tsunami which enough to scare me off till me n nisya decided to cancel our plan of spending afternoon and evening time at the beach. i was freaking bored so i asked Nisya if we can do something else. well, we love to do girls' stuff. instead of going to beach and swim, we finally did this. 


these are my collection, minus one. the black one belongs to Nisya, she got other colors too but i just forgot to take the pics of them from her phone.

initially i decided to use the peach nail color coz it looks natural. but finally i chose black coz it looked cool on Nisya's fingers. so i want too!!

i just wanted to give it a try. coloring the foot nails. it's cool. hehe. n i feel so emo and gothic. owh.

p/s : this also applicable for those who are granted with 'holiday'. ok girls?

well, mybe tomoro or later, i'l change the color. just for fun. :D

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