Wednesday 16 March 2011

:: I am a Teacher-to -be ::

as much as people in my own country value teaching profession as a noble job, there is still a group of people who will think 'teacher' is a low standard profession compared to engineer, doctor, lawyer, bussinessman/woman, not making any judgement on this matter, but  this is the truth that i had faced and heard of, those time, back in Malaysia. it even ever happened to me that this one person who actually has a close relationship with me has talked at my back, saying " eleh, study oversea pun, jadi cikgu sekolah rendah jugak!" ( it's pointless for me to be able to further my study abroad coz im gonna come back and work as a primary school teacher- only!). 

i am personally, never had dreamt this profession will be my future when i was still young and naive. coz when i was a school kid, all i dreamed was to  be a veterinarian coz i love animal so much. but ALLAH always knows what is the best for me, he didnt make all my dreams come true, but He chose the best one to be my destiny. And now, as days past by, i learnt more in valuing and appreciating my profession. if i was ever felt less proud of what im finally be before this, now im not. im gladly telling people that im gonna be a primary school teacher soon. My feeling towards this profession is just getting better and serene day by day. im sure this  feeling not only felt by us who are being trained to be an English teacher in oversea's environment n ways.  but it shud be always felt by any teacher-to-be.if what i have learnt now is what i can always do and practice to my future students, i believe i'l see beautiful days everyday, and so the students. i dont wanna think/imagine  about all the stressful teacher-life that all my friends in Malaysia have gone trought, coz i hope what ever happens soon, i'l can make it simple,easy and have lotsa benefit+fun for my students.

im just so sorry to think that our children have to sacrifice their sweet childhood times being struggled over the heavy books and strict schooling schedule tho that was also what i had gone through for 11 years. i am sometimes think, a new resolution must be brought up in Malaysian schooling system. students shouldn't need to focus on so many things which is somehow just out of their interests. like in New Zealand, kids choose their own subjects and curriculum activities.There are compulsory subjects  for them to enroll yet there are other things they can just choose based on their preference. for example, they can decide if they wanna be in dancing or drama class or swimming or music class or photographic or cooking class. those are all the cool stuff school can do for the students which actually giving opportunities for them to bring out their inner talent and life skills. i can see the balance-ness in their education. they got times to be serious in classroom as much as times to play and having fun, EVERYDAY! and the teacher-student relationship here is the most beautiful i ever feel and see, coz we ( student & teacher) can be friend at times, play together, talk and value each other's ideas but still pay respect to each other without being hindered by the age difference.

here, when i go to school and do activities with the kids, i always feel the environment is being so kind,nice and warm to me tho im just a foreigner, just someone who ain't belong to this place, a stranger. im seriously can feel it and it comes naturally and purely.Being a primary school teacher-to-be here, makes me feel young, happy, is a stressed-free condition every time im being surrounded by the kids. somehow, despite of  messiness and  unbalanced emotion  i experience from my personal stuff, i'l be totally ok just after seeing the kids coz they are forever like a buffer who can toss all the negative bad feeling i have in the simplest way. 

but, looking back to the reality in Malaysia, teachers of primary schools always feel burdened by forever-endless-works , stressed-out by the title 'teacher' that they have to carry anywhere they go and never can feel the fun side that teaching profession should actually offer them to have! it is even possible to cause them (or me or us  soon) to be older before the rite time and could be needed to act like a grumpy granny each day just make sure the rage and tense wont be confined inside of our self. so where's the beautiful days for the sweet young teachers like us?? :p

i know i can only simply put all my ramblings here but nothing will change. what will happen soon is what i have to face as a reality. i can dream of it and try to make it comes true, but i know i never can change everything in one blink. i have another 8 months to go in here, so i wish i'l doing lot more exciting and enjoyable stuff with the kiddos. and i will always dream to come back here again tho it is so hard to be true. and for now, once again, i love my profession and i proud to be a primary school teacher !! :D

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